Digital space conversation. AKA fashion blog! 

I’m really grateful to be updating this digital space on a regular basis and hopefully, will continue to do so for a long time. 
It’s been a few years now since I started this journey and I am ensuring TSG audience come back for more quality content, these contents can be a serious hard work to keep things going none stop. However, I have been thinking lately and have asked myself who are the real fans or readers that actually read and visit TSG Digital outlet?
 I have visited so many creative digital hubs owned by beautiful women of all ages and race, showcasing various photography strength and write up from one line paragraph to quality detail write up. 

The impression I am getting from some digital outlets I have visited does beg the question of what it takes to be recognised in this industry. 

Before I started my blog, I have seen some fashion bloggers who are POC, the likes of Stella jadore-fashion, thedaileigh, style pantry and much more with killer photo and style. But what I have not seen is any of the names mentions here in the front row of major fashion shows like Chanel, Dior, Gucci or LV. Or even collaborating with major brands for that matter. I have always wonder what is seriously wrong. 

Why are black people not part of the conversation in the fashion industry? 
 Lets not even talk about Diversifying runway shows, that is a big no go area. There is always tension when speaking about race in fashion industries as a whole, the real truth is some people are not influenced by a person of colour.  

A simple example of bloglovin award, every year same face and sets of winners are nominated over and over again. 

I get it that some fashion directors and PR are allergic to people of colours. Don't you think? 
Sometimes ago I came across a post written by man repeller with details analysis of diversity issue in fashion, read it hereI truly applaud her for speaking up, it is very rare for someone who isn't from a minority background to talk about these issues.

Photos by Jennifer.O

Whenever this topic is brought up people quickly get over sensitive and thinks there you go again, you are playing the race card.

Why is it so difficult to be recognised as a POC in this industry?

Could it be photos quality? Bad writing? 

Vent you spleen! 


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  1. Hi Sophia,

    Thank you for this sharing this post, this is something that has been on my mind for sometime and have been questioning myself when I come across top bloggers and vloggers of colour but yet no brands have approached them etc.

    The problem is, unfortunately we live in a world where brands prefer Caucasian model to model of colour as it perceived as Caucasians can reach a wider audience. Eg. A black model will not influence the Chinese market as they themselves look up to the western world for inspiration. And brands know this so in order to reach a wide audience, they'll choose a caucasian over a POC.

    The solution to this could be, We people of colour need to recognise our place and embrace it. support each other and start building our own communities and create brands rather than trying to fit in or seek equality. Build our brands and then seek equality. Good way to bargain for fairness rather than wait perpetually for the myth that is equality.

    Liza | http://www.yaalia.com

    1. I totally agree with yo on this, we people of colour don't like supporting our self's or what we do. I used to run from blog to blog supporting lots of people, only few gave the support back. I got frustrated to a point i hardly visit other blogs.

  2. Totally agree! Also loving your fab culottes babe. x

    Happy weekend,

  3. Thank you for sharing this! This is something that should be addressed more often. I feel like POC don't get the same opportunities and I just can't understand why. I don't think it's so much about poor quality writing or photography because I have seen some really great blogs with excellent photo quality and content. It always seems like we have to worker harder. Why do we always have to fight for equality? It's just not fair!

    Happy Sunday!


    1. Hi Sasha,
      I agree with you , POC don't get any opportunity to shine on any platform, we are constantly told "you are not good enough" I pray if there is another life i don't want to be Black or Brown.Because it is just too painful to be!

  4. I completely agree with you, I have noticed that I for being brown the followers and brand collaborations are not as high as others who are white and have even less traffic that I do. I find it completely unfair because it is 2016!! Time to be super diverse but it appears as being the other way, also I love your point in the bloglovin award, always the same people.

    Have a wonderful day, xx

    My Vogue Style | www.myvoguestyle.com

    1. Hi Camila, Am glad you have notice the same thing i have been noticing for a long time, It is a struggle to get followers on any platform as a brown or black skin person. People are not just interested. Same goes for getting blog traffic, it is real struggle and can sometimes be very frustrating.

  5. You make a good point. There are many aspects of the fashion industry that seem to be blind to colour. It's a shame.

    XoXo Noma

  6. Awesome Lady <3

  7. I am from South Asia and I live in Canada, I can totally relate to what u r saying! People of colour should appreciated just like the white. Getting blog traffic is hard for me and I feel like I am discriminated ! I mean fashion is supposed to be for everyone and not for particular group! Lovely post! Btw! I love your style! Those pants are so unique!

    1. I am very glad you touch on getting blog traffic, same here. Unfortunately fashion is becoming something that is for some colours.

  8. Had to skip over to read this one and omg are you right on this. Sad but true. And oftentimes I look at the 'picks' and don't really even like their style. Btw I have that blue top too, love it and must show it love soon. Beautiful pictures.


    1. I agreed with you, some of those so called big bloggers don't really have anything special about their style.Just like us normal wear! Funny enough the stand out as brand favorites.

  9. Thought provoking! I think this issue is very complex.. and probably can't really be explained in a couple of paragraphs. But I think the origin for this (and not just in the fashion industry.. but also in the top layers of the Science, Technology and R&D areas where I work) lies in the fact that there is still latent racial bias. Sure, there are people with bad intentions and active bias against PoC, but lots of managers/bosses/influential people are white themselves.. and will just be drawn to other white people unless there is a PoC is clearly the better choice. At least, I think this is how it works in the Netherlands.

    Love your outfit, btw! Very business chic! :D

    YouTube | Blog: Geekette in High Heels | Instagram

    1. I am happy to read your honest views on this topic, i agreed that racism is in every works of life. As you mention a lot of white bossed and manager are white who are given the opportunity to pick and chose, POC dont get that same choices.


Thank you so much for reading.

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